Saturday, April 1, 2023

Music and Titles

   My goal for today was just to finish editing. So that is what I spent most of my day doing. I had to post the gym clips to YouTube and then made a few fake accounts to comment from. Luckily I already had the majority edited and trimmed to how I want it, so I just needed to incorporate the new clips.


    For music I ended up searching through this site called Epidemic Sound which is basically a bunch of different copy right free songs and artists. It was super easy to look through because it had filters and I just set it to the Pop music category and listened to the different options. I definitely wanted to have a female artist for the song to stay on the women empowerment theme. I found a song with a good beat that had correlation to the movie. It was called It Girl by an artist called Floors, and the download was free.


   I put the song over the background of the video and edited it out of the part where the dialogue comes in. I also had to record an iPhone ringtone sound to add when the phone rings. When the music and sound effects were all added, I had to add the credits. I chose a simple font and transition so that it didn’t distract from what was occurring in the movie. I also made them white for this reason. However, for the title I wanted it to stick out. I did this by making it a more loud and bold font, and also made it a bright pink color so that it made a statement and fit the girly tone.


      I had some time after I finished editing the last part of the film, so I started planning my CCR. I put the questions I am going to answer on a document and typed out my answers so that when it comes time to make the video (probably tomorrow) I will be prepared.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Last Filming

 Going into this last week, there is still so much that needs to be done for my film opening. It feels like there’s a weight on my back, and the more I think about it the heavier it gets. I thought it might help if I made a schedule for this week, so I can have a secure plan to follow. I just made a simple outline on my notes app, but I think it will help me stay on track and get everything done.

    Today I filmed the last few shots in the gym so that I could finally be done with that part of the process. I was in a sort of time crunch since I had to film when there was no one training in the gym. However, I think I got good shots that will be perfect for the parts of the film I am missing.  Now I can finally say I am done with the filming process!! Although I am still not working with the most comfortable time frame, I feel a lot more relieved now that this major chunk of the production is over with. 


I added the last few shots in and now the clips are all compiled in one place, and it is time to get through this editing process. I cut off extra length from certain videos and made sure they all meshed together well. All that’s left for the actual opening  is adding music, credits, and the title!

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Starting to Edit

So even though I still need to film 2 parts in the gym, I began to compile the videos that I had onto the editing software. 

I put every take of the shots we took so it was a lotttt to look through. I thought this part would be really easy, but it actually got mentally exhausting watching the same thing over and over again. So I did half of the opening and then decided to start another task.

I continued to look for music! I found a great source of non-copyrighted music on YouTube. I listened to a few different tracks and created a playlist for possible options, but I think I need to see the opening done before I know what music to pick.

This last week is going to require lots of hard work and grinding, but Im excited to finish it up and see what I created.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Finally Filming

 Today I finally started to film!! After several days dedicated to planning and perfecting, the filming process felt like light work. The only part that was a small challenge was being on both sides of the camera while only physically being on one. I had to explain every angle of every shot and what movements to make to the person filming for me. This meant we had to take lots of practice shots and takes until it was exactly how I wanted it. I had the other person take a picture of this process.


I also ran into an issue because when I wanted to start filming in the morning, the sun hadn’t come through the window enough to create good lighting, so I had to wait until later in the morning/afternoon. The window isn’t very large so we only had limited time to film all of the scenes which definitely added to the stress factor.


However, having everything planned out and story- boarded before hand really helped and it was just one less thing to have to worry about. I still have to film two short scenes in the gym but I have to wait until one day that I can go once it’s so can have it to myself. I’m not sure if I mentioned before but my family owns a gym so it will be easy to access it whenever I need to. 


I still plan to put all the footage I got into a project and begin editing so I can just add in whatever I need to at the end. I can’t believe we’re nearing the end of this project I’m so excited to see the finished product!!!

Friday, March 24, 2023

Set Up

 I have two people helping me film tomorrow. So today I started setting up to film to make tomorrow’s process easier. I got the ring light, so I had to set that up. I wanted to put it somewhere that would be in the shot of Stella on the bed without it looking like it was awkwardly placed there.

 I also had to test out different lightings and see if I was going to use the natural light or if I needed to produce my own lighting. The natural lighting ended up looking nice and didn’t take away from the professional quality so I decided to use that. 

The last thing I needed to do to set up is create an account for my character so that I can have her looking at the comments on her video. I created a YouTube channel since that would be the easiest platform to see comments on her laptop. I also needed to create a project in my editing software to have her toggle onto during the opening.

 Once all of this was done I laid out the outfits that best matched the mood boards I previously created. I’m so excited to begin the filming process, especially because I feel like the prep for this step has been forever long!


Finally!!! Here is my film opening :) #WorthTheWeight